Here's the thing. You know how when a coffee pot is left on the burner with only a few drops in it, how the coffee burns on and its almost impossible to clean? It starts to stink like burnt coffee, and the whole room needs an airing out? It's not that i left the coffee pot on the burner near empty, but the coffee itself is burnt, and it's time to throw it out. In other words: I'm turning off the coffee pot. Fear not though, for i have been working on something much bigger, much better, and much more in tune with what God has been directing me to over the last six months to a year. People say that change is good. Well, here's to change. It's been good drinking coffee with you over the last year. I hope you'll join me in my new venture.
I officially turn off the coffee pot, and start the siege. See you over here.
5 months ago