Well, it has been some time since i last posted. The coffee has been on the burner for a while and was starting to bake on to the pot, so i thought i should brew another pot. With school and the youth work this semester is going by so quick, with hardly any time to look after the coffee shop here.
As i have reflected over the last few months something has occurred to me: I love being a student! I know that sounds horrific for most people, but i truly do. I know that i would not have liked it if i had gone to school when i was younger, but i'm telling you, being a student is awesome. Especially now that i'm a second-year. Seeing all the first year students floundering like i did last year is hilarious, not to mention the panic attacks from everyone as their work piles up. I'm having a blast, and the courses i'm taking are great too, especially Judaic Studies. In my professional, personal opinion, I would say that everyone should have to go to a synagogue at some point in their life just to sit with Jews in their world for a little while. But that's just my opinion. Anyway, Christmas is fast approaching and there is still no snow on the ground. We had that scare a few weeks ago, but now that it's getting to the middle of November, it's time to start thinking about snow, and with that then Christmas. While i absolutely abhor snow, it never really does feel like Christmas without it, although i'm sure i could get used to it (think palm trees and sunny skies, plus 25 with a light breeze on Christmas morning).
But i'm getting ahead of myself. Besides Christmas, Easter, Pentecost, and D-Day, i don't generally celebrate other holidays on the Calendar Year (I know D-Day is not a holiday but it should be, and i celebrate it as such), Remembrance Day marks a special day on the calendar.
Think of the freedom you have, to walk down the street, to celebrate your heritage, to vote, to gather in churches and praise God wherever you go, all because of the sacrifice of brave soldiers who protect our nation. WWI, WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam War, Cold War, the War in Boznia, Desert Storm (remember the first G. Bush war?), and of course the war in Afghanistan right now. So much War, and our guys fight so we can continue to be free.
This post is for all the soldiers who have sacrificed so much for our freedom, those who have bled and died, and for their families who lost someone so dear to them. Thank-you.
Thank-you so very much.
In Remembrance!