Thursday, May 7, 2009

What is Love?

In an attempt to understand the great mystery that is Love, over the last week i have been studying and listening to certain teaching series. One area is an ongoing project dealing with the book of Revelation, one area is Walking in the Spirit, and the third is studying the Song of Solomon, or the Song of Songs, as some translations would have it.

There is a lot that i have studied that has "shaken" (if i can use the term) some of the things that i was taught growing up, and have believed for a great portion of my life. There are some things that i have believed for quite a while now, but with a fresh perspective.

Which brings me to the heart of this post. What does Walking in the Spirit have to do with the Song of Solomon? And perhaps more importantly, what do the two together have to do with understanding Revelation, and the end times?

What, you may ask, does this all have to do with Love? In a nutshell, God is love. Because of his love for us, he gave us the Spirit, that we might walk pleasing to him, and in fellowship with him. Understanding the Song of Solomon means understanding that Solomon was writing with God in mind as the King, and the church, or each and everyone Christian as the Bride. As the Bride, Christians must transform the thinking in their minds so that, just as a someone who is engaged to be married displays their love for their fiancee, we as the Bride of Christ are to display our love for him. But it doesn't stop there. We are called in scripture to pursue him, to seek after him, and to lay our crown of love at his feet, in ultimate surrender to his lordship over us. I probably don't need to go into detail about how this relates to Revelation and the end of this age, however, i encourage all to seek these areas out in their personal lives.

One final thought before i sign off. 

It seems as though most Christians are waiting for the return of Christ to Rapture the church and usher in the Tribulation.

If we as Christians stop to reflect for just a moment, maybe the issue is not that the church is waiting for Jesus return.